Welcome to the professional portfolio for David Roberts. Find links to samples of my work and my resume.
Writing Samples
Online Tutorial Samples
Promotional and Marketing Materials
I write and produce a promotional newsletter for Cousin Emma’s Bed and Breakfast in Mt. Airy, North Carolina (aka Mayberry of The Andy Griffith Show). I write them in the voice of Cousin Emma.
See what’s doing at Cousin Emma’s.
Publications and Presentations:
“Feudalism: A Medieval Simulation for Large Groups,” https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/feudalism1, 2011.
“What Makes a Good Online Lesson Plan? A Study of Instructional Resources Available through Digital Libraries” Master’s paper for the M.S. in Information Science. School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. June, 2004.
- “Assistance and Resistance: Free Blacks and Fugitive Slaves On the Underground Railroad” Indiana Historical Society, Black History News and Notes, November, 1996